
Colour packaging
Centimetres27 x 11.5  cm Colour packagingNo
Centimetres87 x 20  cm ShapeRectangular Colour packagingNo
Centimetres50.5 x 28  cm ShapeOval Colour packagingNo
Centimetres22 x 22  cm ShapeSquare Colour packagingNo
Centimetres32.5 x 11.5  cm ShapeRectangular Colour packagingNo
Centimetres43 x 11.5  cm ShapeRectangular Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite CollectionDiamond Centimetres30.5 x 10  cm Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres20  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres35 x 25  cm ShapeOval Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres22.5  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres14  cm ShapeRound Millilitres600  ml
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres16  cm ShapeRound Millilitres930  ml
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres18  cm ShapeRound Millilitres1300  ml
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond ShapeIrregular Millilitres2800  ml Colour packagingNo
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres20 & 12  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingYes
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres12  cm ShapeRound Millilitres380  ml
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres12  cm ShapeRound Millilitres380  ml
ShapeRound Millilitres250  ml Colour packagingNo
CollectionIlona ColourWhite Centimetres29.5 x 29.5  cm ShapeSquare Colour packagingNo
CollectionOlivia ColourWhite Centimetres15  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
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