
Colour packaging
CollectionSpiral ColourYellow Centimetres22.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres1100  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourYellow Centimetres24  cm ShapeRound Millilitres200  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourYellow Centimetres25.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres350  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourGreen Centimetres23  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionSpiral ColourGreen Centimetres28  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionSpiral ColourGreen Centimetres22.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres1100  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourGreen Centimetres24  cm ShapeRound Millilitres200  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourGreen Centimetres25.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres350  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourBlue Centimetres23  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionSpiral ColourBlue Centimetres28  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionSpiral ColourBlue Centimetres22.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres1100  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourBlue Centimetres24  cm ShapeRound Millilitres200  ml
CollectionSpiral ColourBlue Centimetres25.5  cm ShapeRound Millilitres350  ml
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres20  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres25.5  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres22.5  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres15  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres25.5  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
ColourWhite with Gold CollectionDiamond Centimetres28  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
CollectionJulia ColourWhite Centimetres28  cm ShapeRound Colour packagingNo
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